You are connected to the website of:
AMFIE – Financial Cooperative Association of International Civil servants (hereafter  « AMFIE » or the « Association ») 
25A, Boulevard Royal
L- 2449 Luxembourg
Cooperative society incorporated under Luxembourg law, organized as a limited company registered in Luxembourg’s Trade and Companies Register under number B35566
Social security number: 2014 47 00067 99, VAT registration number: LU27615981
Authorised by the Luxembourg government’s Ministry of Finance as a credit institution under number 54/14
It is regulated by Luxembourg’s financial sector supervisory authority: CSSF (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier)
283, Route d’Arlon L-1150 Luxembourg
Phone: (+352) 26 25 1 - 1 (central)
Fax: (+352) 26 25 1 - 2601

Webhost: Telkea Telecom S.A.


The websites of AMFIE are and
The site is an informative site. The aim of this website is to present the Association, its activities, its products and services as well as other general information.
This site allow access to the consultative and transactional site 
The site is a consultative and transactional site. It requires an identification and authentication from the user, which grant access to personal data such as the consultation of its account or portfolio and realise banking operations.
It should not be considered as constituting a permanent establishment or effective cross-border provision of services. 
Residents of a country which, for reasons linked to their nationality or country of residence, forbids access to the websites of foreign banks must refrain from consulting this website. AMFIE declines all responsibility with regard to such persons and invites users to check prior to visiting the website that no regulations prevent or restrict them from using the site provided by the Association.

Those websites, as well as all relations and transactions pertaining to it, is governed by Luxembourg law, in particular the Law of 14 August 2000 on electronic commerce*. By visiting the sites, non-Luxembourg residents formally accept the full application of Luxembourg law, without reservation. The websites’ content complies with the CSSF’s recommendations published in its December 2001 review on “internet-based financial services”. AMFIE undertakes to comply with Luxembourg laws and regulations governing website operations.
All litigation with respect to those websites is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the district court in and of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Complaints may be sent to AMFIE, at the address shown in the section below, “What to do if you are not happy with our services?”
Access to those websites will be considered to have taken place directly at the head office of AMFIE, at the date and time shown on the AMFIE’s server, with the connections log serving as proof thereof.

Access to those websites and its conditions of use are governed by this legal information. This legal information may be subject to change and AMFIE invites visitors to the websites to check this information on a regular basis.
The website is designed to provide information for AMFIE members and persons who are not yet members. However, products and services presented on the website are strictly reserved for members holding an account with AMFIE who have accepted the Association’s General Terms and Conditions by signing an agreement to this effect. Some products or services presented on this website may be barred from sale to certain categories of people. Individuals are personally responsible for complying with all the legal and regulatory provisions in their country of residence and any other provisions applicable to them and ensuring that the products and services presented are appropriate for their present personal situation. AMFIE’s fee schedule applies to these services. It can be viewed and downloaded from the website. 
Users are reminded that there is no guarantee of secrecy with regard to communication over the internet and that that they must take appropriate steps to ensure that their data and/or software are protected from viruses.
Any transaction conducted by the Member following identification and authentication of their identity on one of AMFIEs’ websites shall be considered to have been made by the Member, and the Member shall be solely responsible for the consequences. In the event of the theft or loss of the Member’s identification information, the Member must inform AMFIE immediately.

The information published on those websites shall be considered as “commercial communication” within the meaning of the law of 14 August 2000 on electronic commerce*. Unless written notice to the contrary is sent to AMFIE, persons accessing the website agree to receive marketing-type communications from the Association, via the websites or email.
Those websites may contain information made available by external companies or hypertext links to other sites that have not been developed by AMFIE. The existence of links from AMFIE’s website to another website shall not constitute approval or a guarantee of the content or the provider who operates this other website.
The information and opinions on AMFIE’s websites are provided for information purposes and are only valid at the time they are issued. Accordingly, no guarantee can be given as to the appropriateness, exactness, validity, accuracy or exhaustiveness of this data and information, or the opinions based thereon. Past performance is no indication of future returns and AMFIE shall not be held liable for the future performance of these securities. Information provided to users of the websites cannot be construed as legal or tax advice. AMFIE cannot be held liable for this information or any decisions that a person, regardless of whether or not they are a Member of AMFIE, may take on the basis of such information. All such persons are responsible for their own decisions. Potentially interested parties must ensure that they understand the risks involved in their investment decisions and should refrain from investing until they have carefully considered, with their own professional advisers, the appropriateness of their investments to their particular financial situation, especially with regard to the legal, tax and accounting aspects.
AMFIE reserves the right to modify the content of the sites or restrict access, whenever it deems this appropriate.

The creation of hypertext links to those websites is subject to the express prior agreement of AMFIE. AMFIE does not accept, under any circumstances, any responsibility for hypertext links from this website to other websites.

Users of the websites are informed that, in order to deliver its services, AMFIE may require them to provide certain personal data and that this may be processed by computer. Users are aware that the Association is at liberty to use the personal data they have provided for any legitimate purpose, including marketing, unless AMFIE is expressly advised otherwise in writing. These data will be retained for processing purposes for the period stipulated by law or stated in AMFIE’s General Terms and Conditions. Users are entitled to use their access rights to correct all relevant personal data in accordance with the law of 2 August 2002 regulating the use of personal data in computer programs by writing to AMFIE.

When users access AMFIE’s website, navigation data are temporarily stored in the memory or saved on the user’s computer device (“cookies”). Some cookies are necessary for the running of the site while others are designed to make it easier for users to navigate the site. In particular, the Association websites’ uses:
Statistical cookies: These measure a set of parameters such as the frequency and length of site visits or the number and type of pages viewed and are used to study user preferences and present personalised information to them. These cookies remain in place for two years.
Technical cookies: These remember users’ navigation preferences (language selection, country of residence etc.) in order to facilitate and improve the user’s experience. These cookies remain in place for 100 days.
Users can accept or reject having cookies placed on their device at any time via their browser settings. Depending on the type of browser, users have the following options: accept or reject cookies from all or specific sources or set their browser to display a message requiring their agreement each time a cookie is placed on their device. Users can also wipe all cookies already stored at any time. Refusing cookies that are necessary for the site’s operation will prevent connection to AMFIEs’ websites, while a partial or total block of statistical and/or technical cookies will considerably limit the availability of the site’s functionality and content.
By continuing to navigate on the AMFIE websites without adjusting their browser settings, users agree that AMFIE can put essential and non-essential cookies in place.

All information on the pages of this website is the intellectual property of AMFIE. 
Any reproduction or representation, in whole or in part, of the pages, data or any other element constituting the sites, on any medium whatsoever, without the express authorisation of AMFIE, shall constitute a breach of copyright.

AMFIE will never contact member by email to ask them to click on a hypertext link or to obtain confidential data (such as account numbers, access codes or bank card details).
AMFIE cannot be held liable if a member is subject to a phishing attack following which confidential information relating to their accounts, such as account numbers, access codes, or bank cards, is disclosed.
The Member must exercise extreme caution with regard to emails from third parties masquerading as AMFIE, which may contain hypertext links or a request for confidential information (such as account numbers, access codes or bank card details). Under no circumstances can AMFIE be held responsible for losses incurred in this way by the Member.

Access to the website is free with the exception of the costs of internet access (internet service and telephone communication), billed directly to the Member by the operators.

In the event of a complaint, a member of AMFIE may contact the Secretariat of AMFIE or make a complaint to the Director of Operations, at the following address:
Directeur des Opérations
25A, boulevard Royal
L-2449 Luxembourg
Or by email:
By phone: +352 42 36 61 1
By fax: +352 42 36 60
To ensure complaints are dealt with rapidly, they should be clearly presented. The Member should send his contact details, the subject and the reason of the claim and the damage incurred. He/she should summarise the facts that are the basis for the complaint in a detailed and chronological manner and provide any additional information available (such as transaction dates and correspondence or emails with AMFIE. If a response cannot be provided within a short period of time, the person in charge of the complaint in the Secretariat will send an acknowledgement of receipt within 10 business days following receipt of the complaint. A response will be sent within one month from the date of receipt of the complaint. If a response cannot be provided within this period of time, the person in charge will send a letter explaining the reasons for the delay and a date on which the assessment of the complaint is expected to be completed. 
If the solution proposed by AMFIE does not satisfy the member, he/she may submit it in writing to the CSSF, either by post to the following address:
Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier
L-2991 Luxembourg
Or by fax to the CSSF: (+352) 26 25 1 - 2601
by email:
via the complaints form available on its website: 


Access to and use of the site are governed by the general terms and conditions for use of the site, the terms and conditions for access to and use of internet services, and AMFIE’s General Terms and Conditions, which have been signed by the Member. All communication established between AMFIE and the Member and all transactions operated or conducted via the website shall be considered to have taken place directly at the head office of at the date and time shown on the AMFIE, with the connections log serving as proof thereof.

This site offers the following services:

  • Access to the Member’s account(s),
  • Possibility of transmitting buy or sell orders for units or shares in undertakings for collective investment,
  • Transfers to other accounts,
  • Email correspondence with AMFIE.
  • AMFIE reserves the right to alter these services at any time.

AMFIE draws the Member’s attention to the fact that the transmission of orders concerning units or shares in undertakings for collective investment and any other transactions involving financial instruments involve particular risks related specifically to the characteristics of these stocks, fluctuations in their prices and on the financial markets, and the conditions in which the transactions are executed. The Association hereby informs the Member that it has no influence on these risks and warns the Member that the information available on the stocks, and in particular those relating to past performance, cannot predict future performance.
The Member, acting in accordance with his/her personal investment policy, acknowledges that he/she assumes in full all the risks inherent in the investments that he/she asks AMFIE to execute on his/her behalf, including and without limitation market risk (risk related to exchange rates, share prices, etc.), currency risk, counterparty risk (risk of the debtor defaulting, etc.), convertibility risk, country risk and risk related to or underlying any derivative financial instruments.
The Member formally discharges AMFIE from any responsibility with regard to the quality and performance of all the assets and investments he/she holds there and declares that he/she accepts all material losses, on the understanding that the losses may in some cases exceed the amount of the assets deposited at AMFIE.
The Member also declares that he/she is an informed investor and understands the operation of the instruments traded, their technical features and the risks inherent in the investments he/she is proposing to make as part of his/her personal investment policy, including the risks related to transactions on derivatives, on securities issued by low-quality debtors, on unlisted and private equity shares, and on structured products.

Transactions made on the site  are conducted in accordance with AMFIE’s General Terms and Conditions, which the Member has accepted.
Delay applicable to quotations:
Users’ attention is specially drawn to the fact that to meet stock exchange requirements, stock market prices are set with a delay of at minimum 15 minutes. The Bank may not be made liable for errors or delays in quotations and their direct and indirect consequences.

The only authentic version of the Site is the French language version. If there is a discrepancy with the versions in another language, the French version is the legally binding authority.​
*Mémorial A No.96 - 8 September 2000, p. 2175.


The purpose of the Pillar 3 disclosure report is to provide information on the implementation at “Financial cooperative association of international civil servants” (“AMFIE” or “the Association”) of the Basel III framework and risk assessment processes in accordance with as described within part XIX “disclosure by credit institutions” of the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (“CSSF”) circular 06/273 as amended, and Circular CSSF 15/618 transposing EBA guidelines on “Pillar 3 disclosures”.


Under the MiFID regulations, AMFIE is required to produce certain reports and make them available to the public.

These reports are available in this section.


As an investment company of the Luxembourg financial sector, AMFIE (hereinafter referred to as "AMFIE" or "the Association") is required to comply with the regulatory technical standards of the European Commission and called Regulatory Technical Standards ("RTS"), among which the "RTS 28" which requires to publish each year a report on the identity of the execution venues or brokers that allowed the execution and the quality of execution of orders obtained.

PDF "Top 5 Execution venues" Report for the year 2021

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